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Monday, December 20, 2010

Beyond Avoidance - #Reverb10

What should you have done this year but didn’t because you were too scared, worried, unsure, busy or otherwise deterred from doing? (Bonus: Will you do it?)

I'm not one that usually procrastinates. I jump right in when things need doing and just 'do it'. This usually relates to things at work or at home. I have to say though that I am a huge procrastinator when it comes to doing things I love. Things that fill my soul with contentment and joy. I always procrastinate when it comes to me.
This year I missed a few opportunities due to fear. I am shy and definitly an introvert. I worry too much about the 'what if's' and not jump in and do what I would like to do.
I am such a kind soul. I try to give more than receive and I try to help others as much as I can. One thing that I feel I should have done this year but didn't was some sort of voluntary work. I work now, as a child care worker and it takes a lot out of me. Anyone that thinks we just play with kids all day has never worked a day in the life of a child care worker. There is so much more to it. So usually I am exhausted after working. However I know if I managed my time more I would have found time to do some sort of volunteer work. I want to work with children and families in a volunteer role. I would love to provide an extra pair of hands to parents that aren't coping. To go into their homes and entertain their toddlers and preschoolers or to rock their babies to sleep. To do some simple household chores that they can't get done, to help with the grocery shopping. Anything like this would fill my soul. I know for a fact in my town there is an organisation that needs volunteers to do all of this.
So in anser to the question: will I?
If I can continue to only have to work part time when my youngest daughter starts school next year, I will ring this local organisation and find out what I need to do to committ to this volunteer work either weekly or fortnightly next year.
Wish me luck!

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