I'ven been thinking lately how as you get older you tend to worry less about what other people think of your dress sense, your decisions, your actions and your life choices. I know I have changed and I know a few of my friends that really don't worry about what others think. I guess it really is all about growing up and maturing. I k now many people have looked at me when I mention I make my own laundry powder, have a strict budget, menu plan, cook from scratch etc as if I am mad. A few people ask me how I find them time and others have asked why I do this when other things are so much more convienient.
My answer is "Because I want to. Because I enjoy it. Because this is what I am meant to be doing".
I have chosen to live like this. I have chosen to bring up my children in a simple, loving family home without a massive amount of luxuries. I want my children to grow up with compassion, understanding, self-worth and most of all without having to "Keep up with the Jones'". I want them to have to work for things. To earn things themselves and save for things. I do not want them to be greedy. I do want them to be spoilt, just not in a consumeristic [is that even a word lol] way. I want them to discover the values and appreciation for the simple things like a walk on the beach, a kookaburra singing, whales diving out of the water, the simple rub our cat gives them. I truly hope I can, to some point influence them to not worry what others think and to choose their own authentic life.
I do feel guilty when they are upset they can't have all of those pre packaged, full of preservatives meals. But then I remind myself they will be healthy and strong inside and out and they don't need them.
I do feel guilty when they ask for things like plastic crappy toys and I refuse but I want to teach them that they can't always have what they want and spending a little more on something of value is more beneficial.
I have to say my guilt doesn't last long which is good.
And there is one saying I say to myself all the time and try and use as an affirmation for my children. It is a quote I used in high school when I had to get braces. I kept it beside my bed to read every morning and night. It is by Author Helen Glisic
"What other people think of me is none of my concern,
Only what I think of myself concerns me".
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