I'ven been thinking lately how as you get older you tend to worry less about what other people think of your dress sense, your decisions, your actions and your life choices. I know I have changed and I know a few of my friends that really don't worry about what others think. I guess it really is all about growing up and maturing. I k now many people have looked at me when I mention I make my own laundry powder, have a strict budget, menu plan, cook from scratch etc as if I am mad. A few people ask me how I find them time and others have asked why I do this when other things are so much more convienient.
My answer is "Because I want to. Because I enjoy it. Because this is what I am meant to be doing".
I have chosen to live like this. I have chosen to bring up my children in a simple, loving family home without a massive amount of luxuries. I want my children to grow up with compassion, understanding, self-worth and most of all without having to "Keep up with the Jones'". I want them to have to work for things. To earn things themselves and save for things. I do not want them to be greedy. I do want them to be spoilt, just not in a consumeristic [is that even a word lol] way. I want them to discover the values and appreciation for the simple things like a walk on the beach, a kookaburra singing, whales diving out of the water, the simple rub our cat gives them. I truly hope I can, to some point influence them to not worry what others think and to choose their own authentic life.
I do feel guilty when they are upset they can't have all of those pre packaged, full of preservatives meals. But then I remind myself they will be healthy and strong inside and out and they don't need them.
I do feel guilty when they ask for things like plastic crappy toys and I refuse but I want to teach them that they can't always have what they want and spending a little more on something of value is more beneficial.
I have to say my guilt doesn't last long which is good.
And there is one saying I say to myself all the time and try and use as an affirmation for my children. It is a quote I used in high school when I had to get braces. I kept it beside my bed to read every morning and night. It is by Author Helen Glisic
"What other people think of me is none of my concern,
Only what I think of myself concerns me".
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Sunday, August 8, 2010
I Looove Mondays
Mondays are super delicious. I love them. They are my only day when I can enjoy the freedom of myself, alone. The girls are at Preschool and school and Ty is at work. I am able to rejouvenate and recharge for a miniscule amount of time ready for the week ahead. I plan our meals for the week, bake, cooke, meditate, study, read. I enjoy the silence. I often have no TV on, no radio..... nothing. I listen to the birds outsidea and relish in the silence.
Working only three days a week allows me time to regroup and recharge ready for those hectic three days. I have always had to work full time but luckily for me for over 18 months now I have cut back to three days. My whole family and most of all myself have benefitted from this change. I know it sounds selfish to say 'most of all myself' however I am the core of the family. Although Ty does a heck of a lot and works hard I do the majority in the home and when I am not in a good head space it is not good for our family. I need these mondays and I am hopefully going to continue having mondays off indefinately even when Miss Mia starts school next year.
Tell me dear souls how you spend your mondays?
Working only three days a week allows me time to regroup and recharge ready for those hectic three days. I have always had to work full time but luckily for me for over 18 months now I have cut back to three days. My whole family and most of all myself have benefitted from this change. I know it sounds selfish to say 'most of all myself' however I am the core of the family. Although Ty does a heck of a lot and works hard I do the majority in the home and when I am not in a good head space it is not good for our family. I need these mondays and I am hopefully going to continue having mondays off indefinately even when Miss Mia starts school next year.
Tell me dear souls how you spend your mondays?
All things are for a reason
Well I have to say this week wasn't much better than last. I have had shocking sinus headaches that luckily spared me today.
I do feel like they must have been here for a reason but have no idea what that is.
I did however have an awesome spiritual time on thursday night when I went to see the psychic medium Charmaine Wilson. Once again she proved to be magical and inspiring and comforting. Although I didn't get a reading it was heartwarming to see those that did. What she does is so truly incredible and such a precious gift.
I have already finished her book "Spirit Whispers" in two days and it too was incredible. I now know that no matter what my Pop is with me, guiding me and watching over me.
This year I have taken to really finding out as much spiritual things as I can. I have read so many books about Angels, Tarot cards, psychic mediums etc and realise that this is a path I have had to travel. Even as a young child I had an uncanny way of being able to predict certain future events and even now I always trust my so called 'gut instinct' as it seems to always prove right. I am going to pursue my spirituality as much as I can in the future. My main goal is to be able to meet and talk to my own spirit guide. I know he or she is there with me but I have not yet been able to make contact. I will though. My aim is to open my heart and mind and allow this into my life. Over the past few weeks I have stopped talking to my angels too and I have noticed I feel less comforted so I will be making more of an effort with this aswell.
Overall I realise that all things in life happen for a reason and have a lesson behind them for us to learn. Unfortunately sometimes so lessons are so much harder for some people. Fortunately [touch wood] I have had a very lucky life with lots of blessings. I hope it continues this way :) I wish everyone love, happiness, light and blessings on their journey. Remember whenever you feel lonely there is always someone praying for you or thinking of you.
I am unsure who wrote this following poem but I have always found it comforting.
Somewhere there's someone who dreams of your smile, who finds in your presence that life is worthwhile so whenever you're lonely remember it's true, somewhere someone is thinking of you :)
I do feel like they must have been here for a reason but have no idea what that is.
I did however have an awesome spiritual time on thursday night when I went to see the psychic medium Charmaine Wilson. Once again she proved to be magical and inspiring and comforting. Although I didn't get a reading it was heartwarming to see those that did. What she does is so truly incredible and such a precious gift.
I have already finished her book "Spirit Whispers" in two days and it too was incredible. I now know that no matter what my Pop is with me, guiding me and watching over me.
This year I have taken to really finding out as much spiritual things as I can. I have read so many books about Angels, Tarot cards, psychic mediums etc and realise that this is a path I have had to travel. Even as a young child I had an uncanny way of being able to predict certain future events and even now I always trust my so called 'gut instinct' as it seems to always prove right. I am going to pursue my spirituality as much as I can in the future. My main goal is to be able to meet and talk to my own spirit guide. I know he or she is there with me but I have not yet been able to make contact. I will though. My aim is to open my heart and mind and allow this into my life. Over the past few weeks I have stopped talking to my angels too and I have noticed I feel less comforted so I will be making more of an effort with this aswell.
Overall I realise that all things in life happen for a reason and have a lesson behind them for us to learn. Unfortunately sometimes so lessons are so much harder for some people. Fortunately [touch wood] I have had a very lucky life with lots of blessings. I hope it continues this way :) I wish everyone love, happiness, light and blessings on their journey. Remember whenever you feel lonely there is always someone praying for you or thinking of you.
I am unsure who wrote this following poem but I have always found it comforting.
Somewhere there's someone who dreams of your smile, who finds in your presence that life is worthwhile so whenever you're lonely remember it's true, somewhere someone is thinking of you :)
Sunday, August 1, 2010
What makes one truly ruly happy?
Being the diligent blogger that I am lol I had no idea what I was going to write about this week. However upon re-reading last weeks post about feeling blurgh [which I am not so much now] I thought I would write a post this week to remind me of the good things in life and what makes me happy. So today I am writing about the 10 things in life that make me truly ruly happy!!!!
1. My husband Ty and I met in 1999 and as the cliche goes it was pretty much love at first sight [well for him anyway it took me a few nights to admit it to myself lol].
3. My house or should I say my home? I love it. It is a small two bedroom cottage that has more paint off it than on it but I love it. It is mine. I brought it at the ripe old age of 25 and am so proud of that fact. It was my lifelong dream. It needs more than a tonne of work and we are about to undertake renovations and extensions but I love it. I have created it. It has my touch added to it and as I drive up my driveway I am proud to say it is my home and I have never felt more secure in my life than I do when living here.

4. My pets Faith and Ollie. We rescued our dog Ollie at 5 weeks old from a local rescue group. He was dumped in a cardboard box by the side of the road. He was supposed to be a staffy x lab but is now huge. He really is a gentle giant and I love him to bits. When I pull up in my car he bounds up to me tail wagging and is so happy to see me.

5. Where I live is awesome. I live in Northern NSW near Byron Bay. I love it and would never want to live anywhere else in the world. We rarely go on holidays [partly due to $$$] but also because seriously there is never anywhere I would want to go more than where I live.
We married in 2002 and welcome Ella into our life in 2002 and Mia in 2005. We have our fights and arguments, we annoy each other but at the end of the day he is my soulmate and makes me totally happy. My girls are my life. They are scrumptious and divine [and sometimes downright feral lol] but I love them with all my heart and soul and coming home at the end of the day to the two smiling girls gets me all excited.
2. My parents [and parents in law] and all the other extended family are awesome. My parents are the pure essence of my soul. They have brought me up better than anyone could imagine and have instilled wonderful values in me. They are there for me and my family no matter what and I love them with all that I am.
3. My house or should I say my home? I love it. It is a small two bedroom cottage that has more paint off it than on it but I love it. It is mine. I brought it at the ripe old age of 25 and am so proud of that fact. It was my lifelong dream. It needs more than a tonne of work and we are about to undertake renovations and extensions but I love it. I have created it. It has my touch added to it and as I drive up my driveway I am proud to say it is my home and I have never felt more secure in my life than I do when living here.
4. My pets Faith and Ollie. We rescued our dog Ollie at 5 weeks old from a local rescue group. He was dumped in a cardboard box by the side of the road. He was supposed to be a staffy x lab but is now huge. He really is a gentle giant and I love him to bits. When I pull up in my car he bounds up to me tail wagging and is so happy to see me.
My little girl faith only came to us two weeks ago. After researching ncat breeds we decided a British Blue is perfect for us and she is. We love so so much. She woke me up this morning by jumping on me purrring and rubbing me. Oh I love her so.....................
5. Where I live is awesome. I live in Northern NSW near Byron Bay. I love it and would never want to live anywhere else in the world. We rarely go on holidays [partly due to $$$] but also because seriously there is never anywhere I would want to go more than where I live.
This photo was taken a year ago about 10 mins from my house.
6. BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS!! Have I mentioned I love books ? I can read all day everyday. I could live without the TV if I could just sit and read. I read anything, fiction, non-fiction, motivational books, new age books, etc etc
7. Crystals. I have been drawn to crystals since I was a little girl but only about 12-18 months ago did I learn about them. I now have them around my home, under my pillow etc and they provide me with a sense of calm and healing. Just seeing them makes my heart sing .
8. At the start of the year fate stumbled me across a website called GoddessGuidebook.com for some reason I felt the universe led me there for a particular reason and I am so glad I found it. Leonie is so truthful and truly inspirational and I feel I am a better, more creative person since reading her blog [ www.goddessguidebook.com]
9. Gardening makes me happy and healthy. I have only recently gotten back into it but growing, planting, harvesting etc is peeerfect for my soul.
10. I looooooooove baking. I loooove eating more like it lol. But seriously I enjoy baking goodies. I am nothing like a chef and my hubby cooks most of our meals but I bake cakes, slices, cookies etc and love the end result which is usually a rustic type look as Ty likes to call it.
So dearest readers what makes you happy? I would love to hear your 10 things that make you happy?
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