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Sunday, July 21, 2013


I'm still around however I am making the most of winter by hibernating. I've had a big pulling to just hiding out, being less social and just savouring the short, cool days.
I am not depressed or anxious just chilling out at home and listening to my body.
My days consist of basically waking, going to work, coming home, showering by 6pm, dinner, tv and bed. There's not much else happening but it's what I need.
Living in our climate with so many warm months and 6 months of daylight saving gets exhausting. Listening to my body and spirit now, tells me to pull in. To be home with my family, to walk in my garden and stare at the blue sky with rolling clouds. To read, to meditate and to cook and I have been majorly decluttering which I am really enjoying :)

 [Here I am embracing my much hated curly hair]

It's funny as just this weekend I brought the book 'The way of the Happy Woman' by Sara Avant Stover. I read the beginning and then skipped to the season of winter and she descibes how I've been living. AMAZING!!! I haven't read the entire book but I do recommed it :)
So for now, my posts will remain sporadic whilst I keep in hibernation mode until my soul tells me otherwise :)

And here is the handsome Jovi :)
Until next time........................