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Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Life's not about what's better than

Three weeks ago tomorrow I was home sick again with my second bout of tonsilitis [I have since had a third bout], I called work to let them know I would be back in the next day.
They told me A was in a bad car accident and was airlifted to hospital with serious head injuries.
Until today we were unsure whether or not she would make it but it looks like she will and she may never be the same but may recover fully. Only time will tell.
I believe people come into our lives for a reason. I believe that things happen for a reason. I believe that what happened to A has made me treasure my life, the people in my life and realise that every single day is a gift.
I now realise that. I now realise that life is not about what's better than. That it doesn't matter if there is a load of washing [or two or three] in the laundry ready to be folded, ironed and put away. That it doesn't matter if my house isn't spotless because in the quick second life can change dramatically. Yes money is precious but it means nothing if you are in hsopital on life support. What matters is family and friends and I have the best of both.
I have the best husband in the world who looks after me and treasures me and our children. I love love love love him soooooooooooooooo much.
I have my own home, gorgeous kids, awesome hubby, great parents .
I am very lucky.
Life's not about what's better than .
Ciao Bella's.