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Friday, April 4, 2008

This time last year

This time last year my gorgeous Pop was still here with us. He wasn't well but he was here. And one week from today he lost his battle at the age of 83. I miss him so much. I don't think a day goes by where I don't think of him, love him, remember him. I always have and always will. I just can't believe how quickly the time has gone and how easily we just keep on going and life goes on. It's sad really that people are here with us and then they are gone and other than a grave site, photos and our memories there is nothing to prove they were ever here with us.
Pop was the first person that I have been close to that I have ever lost in my 26 years so I think I am very blessed.
This next week is going to go so fast yet so slow and on Friday the one year anniversary of losing my beautiful, loving, wonderful Poppy I will be thinking of him with all my heart and keeping his spirit alive.
Love you always Pop!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Life's not about what's better than

Three weeks ago tomorrow I was home sick again with my second bout of tonsilitis [I have since had a third bout], I called work to let them know I would be back in the next day.
They told me A was in a bad car accident and was airlifted to hospital with serious head injuries.
Until today we were unsure whether or not she would make it but it looks like she will and she may never be the same but may recover fully. Only time will tell.
I believe people come into our lives for a reason. I believe that things happen for a reason. I believe that what happened to A has made me treasure my life, the people in my life and realise that every single day is a gift.
I now realise that. I now realise that life is not about what's better than. That it doesn't matter if there is a load of washing [or two or three] in the laundry ready to be folded, ironed and put away. That it doesn't matter if my house isn't spotless because in the quick second life can change dramatically. Yes money is precious but it means nothing if you are in hsopital on life support. What matters is family and friends and I have the best of both.
I have the best husband in the world who looks after me and treasures me and our children. I love love love love him soooooooooooooooo much.
I have my own home, gorgeous kids, awesome hubby, great parents .
I am very lucky.
Life's not about what's better than .
Ciao Bella's.

Sunday, February 24, 2008


Miserable, that's how I was feeling today. It's been a while since I wrote here. Not sure why really.
Had tonsilitis on Thursday and it was sooooo painful. Not fun but after a trip to the Dr and some antibiotics I'm ok now thank goodness. Just hope the girls don't get it.
I'm feeling miserable. Wish I was a SAHM I love my job but it's just too hard to balance work and family life, have the time and energy for everyone.
Not happy with some of the things happening at work either.
ANYWAY I need to get over this and be a happy carefree person again.
I just feel like I am a wife and a Mum and then I am me. I don't really know what interests me anymore or anything like that. Just taking a while for me to adjust to everything and I wish I had a bit more me time during the week thats all.
Maybe one day and I'd be a lot happier just to catch up on things and have some time for me so I then appreciate the kids so much more.
I feel bad taking time out on the weekend and Ty having the kids cos I feel like that is unfair on im cos he does so much during the week with the kids.
Anyway I'm off to have a shower, watch one more episode of Sex and the City to relax me before bed.
Ciao Bella's

Saturday, January 5, 2008

It's Flooding

We had an awesome night last night. Went to Baz and Reedy's joint 30th Birthday. The kids had a ball and so did we. We are paying for it today though as the kids are so tired and have just lost the plot lol.
Anyway we woke up after watching Sunrise this morning and they said there was major flooding expected for Coraki and Ballina.
So we started freaking out. Anyway there is water up the road from us and in the cane fields behind us but I think the worst is expected to come tonight or tomorrow morning.
The river is filthy dirty with massive logs and debry everywhere. They have evacuated Cabbage Tree Island too which isn't far from us.
Fingers crossed everything will be cool.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Week over

Well my first week at work is over. It went suprisingly well. Only a few children each day and I feel like I am settling in already. Much more comfortable doing this job than my last. It's like second nature to me and I only have to keep the parents and children happy.
Family wise we've had a great week. Mia is playing up again at bed time after getting her so settled while I was on holidays [and her routine hasn't changed at all:(] I just don't know what her problem is other than she is a 2 year old with attitude ++++++.
Ella has been a treasure and oh so cute. She has lost her bottom left tooth and when she talks it makes an extra 's' sound and it's just adorable.
Off to enjoy my weekend before I go back to the daily grind.